mantisgirl posted a comment on Monday 18th April 2011 4:54am for Chapter 19
Okay. I've got to sleep sometime. Tomorrow I work, and go to school. And I have a paper due next Thursday. I've got two more sources to read on that. But I wanted to thank you. This story is wonderful and delectable and moves along so nicely and I'm so HOOKED. I want to know, desperately, what happens next. So I can't wait, until I finish my paper. Once it's done, I'll come back and read the rest. Honestly though - your character development of Sirius is wonderful, revealing him in bits and pieces as he reacts to the world around him - it's awesome. I love what you've done with Harry, and his new home especially!
mantisgirl posted a comment on Monday 18th April 2011 4:54am for Chapter 19