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Jennifer Moffett posted a comment on Saturday 4th March 2006 4:19am for Epilogue

What an excellent story. I truly enjoy human heroes with everyday needs, flaws, doubts and a true hunger for life.

Please, keep up your wonderful work, it is an honor to read it.

Mary Morley posted a comment on Sunday 26th February 2006 2:57pm for Epilogue

I just keep coming back to read and re-read this story. It is a wonderful story, with exquisitely drawn characters, a captivating plot, heart clenching action, and glorious romances.

Thank you.

Mariposa posted a comment on Saturday 25th February 2006 5:59pm for Epilogue

O wow! This was such a great story! The plot was wonderfully unique, but I also haven't read much post 6th book fan fic. I've been engrossed in this story for 2 days!!!!! I loved the way you brought the young Sirius back and I absolutly loved his characterization. Everyone's character were so wonderfully cannon, I really enjoy a story that handles all the characters well. I also loved the death of Voldemort. Most stories make it quick and unimaginative but here the scene was wonderfully fleshed out. I loved the way he was crying over Nagini, I could see him doing that. I loved the redemption of Regulas and that Sirius was there to appreciate it. I loved the relationships. I really enjoyed the mixture of slashy and nonslashy goodness. I loved the awkwardness and then the surety of Harry and Sirius as they stumbled upon thier feelings for one another. I loved that Sirius was 16 and not older, that squicks me sometimes. Though I do think you could have handled Ginny better. I really like her as a character and I think while she can be strong willed, revengeful and impetuous (sp?), she is more mature than many of the other characters because of the ordeals she went through with Tom Riddle, of course thats just my opinion and I have a feeling you don't feel the same way. Bravo! Great 7th year fic! Its definitely going to stay one of my favorites!

Meghan posted a comment on Friday 24th February 2006 1:34pm for Epilogue

fantastic read :) loved the ending very very much with Harry loafing around (not unlike his godfather Sirius did) and generally having a nice fun life with his lover and friends

Imbrium posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 11:18pm for Epilogue

This whole stroy was brilliant. I started reading it yesterday and just couldn't stop. You've managed to create a convincing plot, well within canon and yet be completely original. I have laughed out loud many times during this story, much to my boyfriend's chagrine, as he couldn't quite comprehend why I was laughing at the computer. I hope to read more from you soon.

scar4711 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st February 2006 5:16pm for Epilogue

Ok.. I have just read this loooong story.. and I don't normally read slash.. but I enjoyed the story.

Theresa posted a comment on Monday 20th February 2006 1:52pm for Epilogue

It took me AGES to get around to reading this in its entirity after I first started it back on your Live Journal, and I hardly slept at all this weekend, but it was definalty worth it (I don't even like slash!).
