Laocoon's Children - The Philosopher's Stone Chapter 10
By copperbadge
Veronica3 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th July 2007 3:31pm for Chapter 10
Hmmm. Things are starting to turn interesting, are not they? I miss Harry consorting with Ron, Hermione and some others more, though. I love his little multi-Housed team of Draco, Neville and
Padma but I would like see him some of the others too. Anyhow, I like his relationship with Severus lots! You have weaved a most beautiful tapestry of all around new interactions here. Your story
plot brings close some people whose hidden and worthy traits would be otherways wasted. As in canon. And all of them are better people for it, too. It is most comforting.
Veronica3 posted a comment on Wednesday 18th July 2007 3:31pm for Chapter 10