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Fic Chick posted a comment on Saturday 25th October 2014 12:33pm

That was eerie & clever & cool.

roses in bloom posted a comment on Sunday 6th March 2011 2:16am

Oh wow. I usually don't like Draco, but he is strangely compelling here! He's so manipulative and cunning, and yet so, so young. I very much enjoy the character study!

morriganscrow posted a comment on Sunday 24th February 2008 3:31pm

All excellent!
The pathos in the last one was palpable - poor Draco!
I loved the sex talk one too.
Your characterizations are delightful, rounded and very real.

Convexbaka posted a comment on Sunday 30th September 2007 6:28am

This was so sweet!

iluvchocs posted a comment on Wednesday 15th August 2007 4:33am

This is a fascinating view of Draco - I can't wait to see what happens when he and Harry meet *heads off to find out*

Aki posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2007 9:41am

I like this chapter best. The portrayal of Draco is different and showed what he might grow up to be like without his bigoted father. Of course, he still has his sly side but there's enough of a difference that makes the reader eager to know more about him.

Rosemary posted a comment on Thursday 2nd November 2006 12:38pm

I really enjoyed all these stories. I have just finished stealing harry - it was tremendous. It was extremely well written and has brilliant characterisation.

Well done and thank you.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 9:02am

Poor Draco. Not a good child-hood. At least he is learning some things. Too bad he has to learn them at all. His mother evidently hates
his father in this story. A good insight into
what made Draco like he is. thanks for writing.

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 8:50am

A very good chapter on the growing mind and the
inquisitive nature of an intelligent child. I like the part about Harry talking to his snake.
The imaginary "conversations" Harry has with his pet is easier for adults to accept than the "facts of life" discussion that always comes up. You did a great job on this touchy subject. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 8:31am

That is an interesting development. Snape being
socialble with the Tonk's family. Maybe there is hope for him afterall! Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 7:49am

Oh this is strange! Are the universes getting mixed up? Quite unusual. Interesting concept.
Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Sunday 7th May 2006 7:28am

A very nice insight into their lives since going to the safe house in Rhos Y Beddau. I'm glad Harry wants to get a new snake. He really
likes them. Thanks for writing. pms

Mary Morley posted a comment on Thursday 4th May 2006 4:31pm

I keep coming back and reading this again and again because it is so rich and vivid and satisfying. A wonderful study of "might have beens" and "missed oportunities."


DreamRed posted a comment on Saturday 15th April 2006 8:49am

Beautiful. I love your writing, and the characters are all so skilfully crafted.

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 8:02pm

How very sad, that Draco recognizes his mother isn't like other mothers and should be avoided at times and that he must hoard things where she wouln't normally look.

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 7:52pm

Sweet! From the only slightly fumbling to the outright tongue-tied! I can't think of any of the parents I know handling a discussion about sex without some problems and expecially about same sex unions.

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 7:39pm

I don't know if you were trying to convey a feeling of detachment in this chapter or not. But you did from my point of view.

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 7:23pm

Surreal and a bit disturbing. But if it helps get a man back on track with his life, why not? Stranger things happen in real life.

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 7:09pm

Harry wanting a new snake reminded me of my dog. She died a couple of months ago. I just wish that some of the people around me were more like Sirius and Remus in your story and not so pushy about me getting a new dog. I'll get another when I'm ready.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 5:41am

Very interesting portrait of the occasionally-good Professor! Thanks.