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Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 1:23pm

Remus is so--- stubborn. I understand he wants to know for sure but sometimes people need to take a chance. Very well done by the way. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 1:05pm

So Sirius has started to comfort Remus but Remus
was too out of it to remember clearly. It is good that Harry knows about Remus. He is smart. He will figure out the rest and not have a problem with it. It will take Remus time to get over his fears where Sirius is concerned. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 12:50pm

A very interesting chapter. I like the way Harry told Snape that he could understand snakes
and the Harry didn't expect Snape to believe him. I was surprised that Dumbledore didn't tell Sirius & Remus that Harry could understand snakes. That may come back to haunt him. It looks like Remus is off on another quest to find
Peter. I like the interaction between Harry and his guardians, etc. It is a good mix. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 12:26pm

Very good. I'm glad Sirius took Harry and Remus
to go stargazing. Harry got to talk to a snake!
When are other people going to find out Harry can talk to snakes? I'm glad he got to see a Quiditch match! Is Snape mellowing? That is an intersting concept! Maybe he won't be so hateful to Harry when he comes to Hogawarts.
Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 12:10pm

Very well handled. I like the way Remus and Sirius reacted to their feelings for each other.
It was a surprise to hear about James but a lot of teenagers experiment with things like that. I am very happy with the fact that Harry has figured out that Remus is a werewolf on his own.
Harry is a smart boy! Now he has to decide whether or not to tell Sirius and Remus that he knows. I look forward to how this works out. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 11:49am

I'm so glad Harry got to go to Gryfindor tower.
He got to meet Bill & Charlie plus got to find out that Oliver is a good friend. I'm so glad he wants to be in Gryfindor! That is where he belongs.
? Why did Remus push Sirius away? He loves Sirius. Does he think Sirius is just experimenting? I'm sure more will come of this.
Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 11:28am

A very good chapter. I like the way Sirius and Remus talk and worry and argue about what is best for Harry just like a married couple would.
When are they going to get a clue about how they
each feel about each other? I'm glad Harry gets to spend time with the Gryfindors. He will learn a lot more about the differences between the houses. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 11:10am

A parallel universe? Things that might have been? I see that in this story Remus and Sirius
didn't find Peter but Lucius Malfoy did. At least Remus and Sirius are together and Harry is with them. I like this story. I'm really glad Harry didn't live with the Dursley's all that time in this story. I am sorry is exposed to Snape so much though. I see Sirius and Remus getting closer. Thanks for writing. I look forward to the next chapter. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 10:41am

Snape did a good job but the Slytherins are definitely not very nice people. I'm glad Harry
got a glympse of the Grifindors and he got to talk to Oliver Wood a little. Gave Harry a little different look at the people from the 2 houses. Looks like Sirius and Remus are feeling
like talking. Maybe they will get their feelings out in the open soon?
Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 2:38am

It is amazing that Dumbledore would want Harry exposed to Snape at such a young age. I cannot
imagine anyone putting a child in Snape's custody unless there was no other choice. Thanks for writing. It is interesting. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 2:20am

A very good chapter and it wouldn't be a story about the Boy-who-lived without dear old Severus! Very well done. Every parent has the scare of their life when a child can't be found.
Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 2:01am

Oh boy! How are they going to deal with Moony's tranformations with Harry around? This
is going to be hard on everyone. Harry is a sweet kid, lending frog to Moony! Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 1:43am

Oh this is good! Harry gets to go to school with his best friend Ron and his brothers and sister! This is really wonderful! That way Remus and Sirius will know Harry is safe during the day. Great story so far. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 1:18am

OK! Sirius and Remus have Harry. Arthur knows Harry can do magic. Sirius is planning on selling his house and business and moving himself, Harry and Remus to another place! Things are looking up! Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 1:01am

Oh now the plot thickens! Remus heard
"cupboard"! I think the Dursleys are in a lot of trouble. I hope they get Harry away from the stupid D's. Thanks for writing. pms

Patches posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 12:41am

So Sirius and Moony are camped down the street from #4 Privet Drive keeping an eye on Harry. This is a good story so far. I'm amazed Sirius and Moony have behaved this long. I look forward to more of this story.
Thanks for writing. pms

Meghan posted a comment on Monday 27th February 2006 9:01am

ooo great fic i'm going to run along and read the others in the series

Mara Flynn posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 6:46pm

Really excellent. The story kept moving and pulled me along quite willingly. Your charaterizations of Harry and the others was beautifully detailed. I especially liked the way Snape and finally Sirius and Remus discovered Harry's parseltongue abilities. And now I'll have to go and check out the rest of the stories you have posted here.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:18am




I still think Peter should be hung from the nearest tree.

By his balls.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:00am

Not bloody fair. Sirius and Remus deserved to continue raising Harry in Surrey, running the bookstore and visiting with the Tonks'. Harry deserved to be allowed to continue visiting with Snape and Oliver and the Weasleys. Not fair. Not fair.

But a ruddy good story, still.