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Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:45am

*incomprehensible babble*


but but but but but

Pettigrew must die! Horribly!

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:30am




need to finish

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:11am



Had to take a break there...

Is it bad to turn on the AC in Feb?

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 3:37am

Cool. So Andromeda and Ted are going to adopt Neville, right? Nifty. :-)

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 3:20am


That's just too sweet for words.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 2:59am

Harry lifted a hand to delicately stroke the snake's head. "All right, Remus." He bent forward. "I'll keep your secret, too."

Remus bent forward. "What secret is that?"

Harry turned his comic around, and showed Remus one of the picture pages. In it, a caged werewolf was savagely attacking the bars of its prison.

"Oh bloody hell," Remus said, with feeling, right before five or six books attacked him.


I also really enjoyed the part with Snape hugging Harry goodbye. And I can see the 'understanding look' on Sirius' face. Priceless. Utterly priceless.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 2:25am

Hmm... Don't know if I approve of Pettigrew not being Scabbers... Guess I'll reserve judgement on that until the tale's told.

However, this chappie had one of the HOTTEST scenes I've ever read. Looking forward to more. :-)

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 2:10am



Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Kill the rat! Feed him to Snake! Pleeeeeeese??

One of my fingers is now bleeding. I forgot I didn't have any nails left to chew. I think I smoked three fags during the course of this chappie.

Ever onward!

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 1:52am



I don't have any fingernails left. Thanks ever-so-much.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 1:40am

Fabulous intro for Tonks.

I cracked up at Sirius' responce to Snape's offer of a gift for Harry.

When is Remus or Sirius going to notice that Scabbers is Pettigrew?

Grr. I'm gonna go read the next chappie to see if they find out soon...

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 1:19am

Remus really needs to pull his head out of the sand. Best friends usually make the best couples, simply because they know they can live without the physical aspect of their relationship.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 1:09am

It's a wonderful change of pace to see someone who's not afraid to write Sirius as an intelligent individual, rather than just your garden-variety prankster. Shakespeare rocks, Sirius rocks, a Sirius that knows Shakespeare rocks, this story rocks - but I think I've said that before.

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:59am

I knew it!

Snape actually likes our charming little green-eyed imp!


Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:51am

Could it be that sweet, charming, enthusiastic Harry is cracking the bitter, snarky potions master's cold facade?

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:35am


I didn't say earlier, but I love that you remembered the older Weasleys and have Oliver at the correct age - so many people seem to forget these little details.

I love that Harry worked out what Moony was, and I particularly liked how he found out. :-)

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:23am


Remus needs to get his head out of the sand! Sirius wouldn't have kissed him if he wasn't serious (erm... I give up. The serious/Sirius puns seem to have taken over.)

Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:14am


How sweet!

I particularly liked how Sirius has a thing for James Joyce. It's little details like that that make a story work.


Aurilia posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 12:01am

Nice twist, having Remus dreaming about Canon that way.

I'm going on now, as there are only so many ways I can say that this story kicks ass.

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 11:49pm

hidden from Professor Trelawney -- Harry didn't blame Snape for a moment, she looked decidedly frightening

What a fantastic visual! I can just see Snape go pale and rush to hide behind a convienant statue upon seeing Trelawney... Snerk.

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 11:40pm

I'm not quite sure how to react to Snape's involvement in the story, particularly how he and Harry will interact once Harry is one of his students, but I trust you know what you're doing.