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Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 11:28pm

Kick ass!

I was wondering when Ron would talk Harry into doing something. :-)

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 11:17pm

I'm hoping they'll clear the lie up with Harry soon. Maybe Pads can tutor him into being a puppy animagus? I hope so. This story kicks serious ass (as long as it isn't Sirius' ass.) :-P

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 11:07pm

Muy fabuloso!

I love how this story seamlessly transitions from laughter to melancholy nostalgia.


Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 10:55pm


This story just keeps getting better and better!

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 10:47pm

"Where's Padfoot?" Harry asked, looking around for the big black dog.

"Padfoot's in the doghouse," Moony answered. Sirius grinned.


"Hell of a job they do of it. You know he goes about in The Piglet's castoffs, don't you?"

"His name is Dudley."

"I don't care."

"My, we are petulant this afternoon, aren't we?"


"I'm his family!"

"Not his blood."

"You're his blood!"

Remus lifted an eyebrow. "I'm a second-cousin of James' mother, once removed. There's a difference."

These parts had me laughing hard enough to see stars!

Lovin' it!

Aurilia posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 10:35pm

What a fabulous concept!

Love the start! Hope it keeps up in the same vein!

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 13th February 2006 4:09pm

his lycanthropy was reacting to the blood magic wasn't it? was that the snapping sensation? it's removal? or do they have a safe house for him to transform somewhere?

Puck1 posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 12:19pm

Wow. This is the best Remus/Sirius story I've read yet.

Tildessmoo posted a comment on Friday 20th January 2006 11:49am

I've heard of that cult! The area has a very low incidence of black plague; apparently the locals have developed a strong immunity from their proximity to the plague-bearers.

Darren Wilkin posted a comment on Tuesday 17th January 2006 3:37am

Didn't 'Mr Fell' lose all his bibles in a fire? ;->

Joel posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 5:35pm

I just finished "Stealing Harry," and I'd like to tell you that it's absolutely brilliant. Thanks for the reading pleasure.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 4:07pm

This is great! Ine of the best Harry-Snape good relationships I ever read. And the scene in the graveyard was really scary. Now I'll jump on your sequel.

Bree Peeler posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 1:35pm

Good story. I have read it before, but I seem to remember there being a sequel?

Chrispy posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 2:41am

The Dark is rising? Ewwww. Realize, the kid's not even 10. I had trouble enough with those when I was 16, and I was a certifiable biblophile. Those books are *dry*. Good, but they make Tolkin feel hasty.

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 9:43pm

Delicious! Delightful! So glad to have the chance to read it. Now I'm off to bed, though...

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 8:49pm

Nicely done!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 7:51pm

Neither boy took their eyes off Harry -- who was busy sticking the blunt end of a fork up his nose to impress Ron and Ginny -- until the meal began. - this was GREAT! I startled the dog, I laughed so loud. (I have two little boys of my own...)

Hagrid posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 7:32pm

There is good magic here if a frog can help cure a wolf...Great story, and welcome aboard!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 6:12pm

CADBURY CREME EGGS???!??!!! I think I love you, man! Those are my all time favorites! What a pleasant surprise to see one here. Thanks!!!

Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 4:45pm

Was it deliberate, making Bill the Quidditch Captain? I thought it was Charlie. Still great, having a ball - thought I would toss some reviews out to make you feel welcome!